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by OOAK Architects


With each day that passes, our new neighborhood reveals new layers of beauty and complexity, reminding us of the power of diversity and the magic that lies in the spaces between cultures. Amidst the clashes and contrasts, in Athens we have found a place to inspire us—a testament to the endless possibilities that await those who dare to dream.

Always with commitment to true sustainability combined with innovative thinking, we’re exploring the options for our new home. We found a unique lot in this beautiful suburb with a beautiful single-family house from the late 60s. But above all the location inspires us—a lot that borders nature! It is exactly where the mountain meets the city: the junction of both worlds we were seeking to unite.

So, our dreams have begun to unfurl. This project, our home, will be all about manifesting our practice’s values. And at the core of our practice is our unique Greek-Swedish synergy.

Our work is always deeply inspired by the Swedish respect for nature and the Greek vernacular attitude to bespoke solutions. Our Greek heritage brings a tailor-made approach to this project, ensuring a solution as unique as a fingerprint. At the same time, we embrace our Swedish ethos of the utmost respect for nature; after all, we believe that true sustainable design is the cornerstone of all successful architecture. Sustainability isn’t an afterthought. It guides every choice made from the very beginning.

What? Why? How

All around the globe right now, there are discussions about what will happen to existing resources and existing buildings. The irrefutable truth is that the environmental crises we face today stem, in no small part, from our own actions in building and construction. Many of the buildings of the future are already built. This is even more true in a city like Athens, which began to take its current shape from 1950 onward, and where the building fleet is already 50-70 years old and in need of rehabilitation and upgrade.


We believe that many of the houses of tomorrow are already here!

Our vision BEAR is:

1. Maintain and repurpose what already exists instead of demolishing it. Although more difficult, doing this reduces resource consumption, waste generation, and energy usage compared to demolition and new construction. 

2. House many in the same building footprint. While we understand that many people dream of living in a single-family home with its own lot, a centrally located lot near the heart of a big city, where all infrastructure is in place cannot be exclusive to just us! We need to transform the existing single-family home to a multifamily home housing more people in the already existing building footprint!

3. Build the new construction with sustainable materials. All our projects are respectful yet unique, and their distinct identities merge innovative thinking with environmentally sustainable principles. Here, we need to expand an existing concrete structure upward. In Greece, we would do that with concrete, and in Sweden we build with wood. Why not use a wooden structure for the addition here? It’s a sustainable and light way to build.

4. Give the new home a unique identity….

5. Emphasize technical proficiency, ensuring that our designs are not only innovative but also technically sound.

Yours sincerely,

OOAK architects


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